Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Katy Perry Concert!

Yesterday, after work, I hit up the Katy Perry concert with my Mom, Katie, and Melissa. It was awesome! We have waited a LONG time for this concert. I remember last January, I was just out of treatment when my sister called to tell me that she got us Katy Perry tickets for the fall. I remember thinking that I probably wouldn't make it to the concert and still be sober. I was still in the thinking mode that I would probably be dead any day. It's crazy to think about that and look back over the past few months and see how different my perspective is today. I am so grateful for sobriety and the opportunities that I am getting as a result of this new life I have created. I am slammed with work and school and all of the other craziness of life, but I can't help but be grateful that recovery has lead me to all of these amazing opportunities that I never would have thought were possible a year ago. 

In other iphone picture news...

My parents and I went here when we were in St. George and it's amazing! Lo and Behold...there's one right by my house!! Who wants to come up and go to breakfast with me?!?!

Now, rebelling consists of wearing a U shirt at my parents house. Seems harmless compared to other ways I have rebelled in the past!

Last weekend, we had a girls night and watched the Women's conference. Afterwards, we played Bingo. Rylie was my teammate ;-)

On Sunday, I decided to be all nostalgic and do stadiums at my old high school. So many great memories came back to me!

Chase has much higher dress code standards than I would like. I will only be seen in blue preppy shirts for the next year at the very least. 

Good thing I work at the Fashion Place location and the Loft had a sale. Double win!

These are all the pics from the concert. So much fun!!

I just finished up my midterms. I can't believe I am halfway through the semester!

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Time To Catch Up

So it's been almost a month since I last posted on here. I was doing so good there for a little bit! So, I am going to catch you up on my ever so exciting life by dumping a million iphone pics on you! Enjoy!

First: I went on an amazing Labor Day weekend camping trip up to Rock City in Idaho with some of my all time favorite friends!

We climbed to the top of that 400 foot mountain. It was rad. 

Shout out to Erica for being a boss at starting fires!

I'm really loving this climbing stuff. 

Second, I have loved all of the trail running this summer. I would be sad that it's ending, but I am stoked to snowboard this winter!

Bell Canyon Reservoir

I'm all about reppin my favorite community EVER: Fit To Recover

Next, I came down from a trail run and found this: my window shattered and my credit cards stolen along with a gym bag. I have terrible luck. Two robberies in a single year. YIKES!

So frustrating!

Little Miss Charlee has been my best buddy lately, even though she refuses to take pictures!

I started my job at Chase as a Mortgage Banker. I will be covering two branches in Salt Lake Valley. I am stoked for this opportunity after going through SIX interviews and then the entire offer approval process. 

I feel like this is my first actual real person job. 

We got Char some Hello Kitty "Posicles" That's how I win over children's hearts.

We have a fire pit in my parent's backyard and love to make s'mores on Sunday nights. 

She would only let me take a picture of her if she could pose with her dolly. Still couldn't convince her to smile though!

This semester is almost halfway over! I'm pretty OCD about my notes/assignment organization!

I got a new daily meditation book and this is what it said on my Sobriety date. Pretty crazy!

I went down to St. George with my parents for one last weekend before I get insanely busy between work, school, and my internship. 

Whenever I can, I try to support the Fit To Recover movement. We do stuff almost every day. On Mondays, we have a group and a run. On Wednesdays, we do circuit training. On Thursdays, there's a women's only group. On Saturdays, there's a bootcamp. Come support the movement with me!

First day of work was this week. My wardrobe from DC is coming back! Pencil skirts and high heels are my new work clothes! I'm going to miss casual days for sure. 

Shout out to one of my top ten favorite people: Dana!

Fit to Recover was on the news this week. This movement is gaining A LOT of traction lately. It's fun to be a part of something that is going to help hundreds of people stay sober. 

I am so glad I no longer have a tiny cubical. I am actually important enough to have my own office!

So there you go! My month in review! I will try to be better about posting on here. Whenever I get a couple of weeks behind, the task feels so daunting to try and catch up! I need a nap now!