Sunday, February 26, 2012

The First Marathon I Couldn't Finish

Movie marathons are not my thing. 

About a month ago, I made an impulse buy and bought a ticket to watch the 9 nominated movies for "Best Picture" in 24 hours. 

I lasted 3 movies until I decided to give up and go home...and slept through 2 of them. 

I didn't fit into that crowd ONE BIT. It was literally the most mentally exhausting day EVER. I can't sit still that long. Never ever again will I put myself through that. 

Today, I FINALLY started feeling better (I have been sick all week) and decided to go out and enjoy the nice day. We went to the Air and Space museum, and then Johnny Rockets and had a root beer float in honor of my grandpa (he died one year ago today). It was a good day, and I am SOOO glad I am finally feeling better. It was a ROUGH week!

Here's some pics from the Air and Space Museum:

 The front

 Some Cool Space Stuff

Some real space suits

 This was actually on the moon!

Wright Brother's Airplane

Amelia Earheart's plane

Hooray for February almost being OVER!! Goodbye Winter!

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Race Line-Up

First off, I must complain. I am siiiiiiiiick. I have been sick for two days now and I am MISERABLE! Not feeling well and being across the country from family is the WORST!! I hate it. Being sick here isn't even the slightest bit of fun. We don't have TV. I don't have any movies. The only internet I have is a WiFi hotspot I get from my phone...which means it's super slow and no videos get played. BOOOO! So basically, I am being big baby today, because I don't feel good!

Okay, so the real reason for the post:

2012 is my year of half marathons. I decided to give the marathon a rest this year and stack my race load with a bunch of halves. They are easier on the body, and I am actually pretty good at pacing myself compared to the full marathon. 

So here's the case you want to run with me, cheer me on, make me a treat the day before, or WHATEVER the case may be. This is the schedule so far:

1.Rock N' Roll D.C. - March 17
2. Utah Valley Half- June 9
3. Hobbler Half- July 7
4. Park City Half- August 18
5. Spanish Fork Half- September 8
6. Halloween Half- October 27

Like I said, feel free to sign up and run with me....or make me a yummy treat for good luck :)

I am still deciding on one in November, so I will keep ya updated!

In other news...I joined Pintrest. I don't really understand it, or know if it's my sort of "thing"...but since I am ill and have nothing else to do, I will give it a chance!

I hope you are having a better day than I am!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

One of those days

Every once in awhile, I have one of those days where I realize how bad it sucks that Byron had to die. 

Today is one of those days. 

I miss you buddy. I miss your spirit. I miss your love. I miss your advice. I miss your friendship. I miss your humor. I miss your attitude. I miss your love. I miss your outlook on life. I miss everything about you. 

I wish your daughter got to know you and feel your love, because it is a rare love that I was privileged to feel, and I miss it every day. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Thanks Abe!!

This year, President's day was the BEST! Being in New York made me appreciate D.C. soooo much more! I love this place! I am so lucky and so grateful to have the opportunity to be out here and interning for the Senator. Yesterday was pretty warm and super relaxing. We got yummy sandwiches at Potbelly's, and then made our way around the Hill. We work near the Library of Congress, gives tours in the Capitol, and right next to the Supreme Court. We loooove walking past them on the way to work and we FINALLY got pictures outside of them! We toured through the Library of Congress, which was SWEET! Then, ventured over to Lincoln Memorial to say thanks for the day off!! Such a great, relaxing day!!

The Capitol- You can't help but feel love for your country around here!

My roommate Ashley and I

Inside the Library of Congress

The big reading room! It was open to the public today, but we missed the cut off time to go in!! Dang!!

The outside of the building is BEAUTIFUL!

The Supreme Court is BY FAR my favorite building here. I think it is SOO COOL!

Lincoln Memorial

I LOVED all of the wreaths for President's Day!

Washington Monument- we thanks him from far away since it is still closed!

Walked past the University on the way home, made sure to thank good ol' George!

In case you were wondering...Yes, I absolutely do love my life out here!

Monday, February 20, 2012


I did the Big Apple in approximately 30 hours. 

Straight up PACKED that city in!

It was my first time, and I loved every minute of it! It was sooo crazy with all of the people! Just like the movies! After the 30 hours, I was definitely ready to go back to DC though. DC just seems cleaner and less crazy. Instead of doing a recap of everything I did (cause it's A LOT), I will explain in pictures:

1. Times Square:

2. Ground Zero:

This is a piece of the tower that was carved into the skyline!

3. The World's Biggest Wall of Chocolate:

4. Brooklyn Bridge:

5. Some of New York's finest pizza in Brooklyn:

6. New York style hot dogs:

7. Central Park:

8. Trump Towers:

9. American Museum of Natural History (As seen on Night at the Museum):

10. Ferry Ride to Staten Island to see Statue of Liberty at sunset:

11. Wall Street:

The Bull at the beginning

The Wall Street Sign

New York Stock Exchange

So there you have it. It was quite the trip. I carried everything I brought with me in my backpack. Definitely a poor man's trip to the big city, but totally worth the bus ride! I am completely exhausted today and my legs are SUUUPER sore, but I got to see most of what I wanted to see, and even hit up 4 out of the 5 bureaus (not bad for 30 hours in the city). For those of you in the Park 6th ward, I also got to see Junior Lartey at church, which was pretty crazy! I now declare today a "Kelli Day" (a day that I give to myself about once a week to do whatever I want to's very good for my mental health) to recover from a busy busy weekend!


Thursday, February 16, 2012


So Valentines was the first time since I have been out here that I got SUUUPER homesick! I missed seeing the fam and of course my Valentine back home, Alex! I missed seeing the kids in all of the Valentine excitement and eating tasty treats! I actually didn't even eat Valentine treats, my mom sent me money and I bought some caffienated beverages, a tabloid, and Milk Duds for myself! Luckily, I have THE BEST roommates out here and we were each other's Valentines! We went to The Vow right after work...I'm still trying to decide how I feel about that one....

Anyways, hope you all had a GREAT V-day! Stay tuned in...I will be in New York this weekend!! I have listened to Empire State of Mind ALLLLL day!

My DC Valentines

My Orem Valentine!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

I want my six dollars!!!!!!!!

National Geographic Museum = Biggest waste of six dollars. I was so pumped up to go to this museum, and was COMPLETELY disappointed!! If you ever come to D.C., then make sure NOT to stop by this museum. There is SO much better to see in this town. 

At least we had a quality lunch. Potbelly's never lets us down! This is our favorite sandwich place in D.C. I also had a revelation that sandwiches are my all-time favorite food!!