Whilst I was at Dixie, we classified our apartment into leagues....
First, there was the Major Leagues...

Next, there were the Minor Leagues....
Jentry "Gwen" Nelson

Carlie Tall
These guys were deemed "Minor Leagues", because they cared more about having fun than going to school. Although they went to school, it wasn't their top priority. It was their second priority to fun and they would pretty much drop anything that had to do with school if something fun came up. They lived by the motto "C's get degrees" and were always up for a good time (even though they still cared a LITTLE bit about school and went to class MOST of the time). Carlie made a goal of going to school every day for one month...last day of the month when she almost reached her goal, she didn't go to class because she was too lazy to walk to school. Therefore, she was a minor league captain. Ironically, Carlie is the only one that has graduated so far...
Last, we had the "Little Leagues"...

Ashley Kelly or AK

Carly Small...or Rover (our dog)...or Brick (Anchorman)...LOVE YA CAR!!!
These two were Dixie State dropouts our Freshmen year...nuff said.
So today, I felt like I was living up to my Major League status. I was sick all day (stomach crap) and didn't go to work. Most people would just lay in bed all day and watch Netflix. Although the thought crossed my mind, I couldn't stand the thought of missing an opportunity to study for my stats test tomorrow. So, I stayed in bed all day doing Stats homework listening to classical music. Such a Major League activity. Also, I applied for graduation and registered for my Financial Counseling practicum. So productive for a "sick day"! What can I say? I gotta live up to my "Major League" status!!
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