Today was the last day before the break ended and school once again started. BOOO! I am sooo not down with that! I could go the next few YEEEARRSS without school and be pretty chill with life. I absolutely HATE school and the fact that I have to trek up this freezing cold hill every morning and then run down it and drive out to practice everyday. Life is going to be insanely busy once again...and I like our lives up here too much to give away all of our freedom! This is what we did today...

Jentry let me trim her hair

I was super stoked on that!

She held very still

Makin my "oops" face!

Then, we played Dice. If you lose in dice, you have a consequence. Our consequence was to make the loser run around the house one time barefoot in the snow. Vanessa lost. BIG TIME! But, don't worry, she's nursing those feet back to health!

This is a little bit better pic of Tyler and I. We struggle at taking good pictures!
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